
Lubbock-Cooper ISD informed parents Tuesday evening of new strict limits on attendance to extracurricular activities in response to COVID-19.

The announcement came shortly after news that Lubbock and Lubbock County suffered 18 deaths from COVID on Tuesday. That was by far the most deaths in a single day since the start of the pandemic.

Recently, a state incident response team set up medical tents outside of both Covenant and University Medical Center to handle the recent overflow of hospital patients.

Lubbock-Cooper said, “Attendees at all basketball games, concerts, plays, recitals, etc. will be limited to immediate family members only.”

“Coaches and sponsors will work with students to ensure all immediate family members are listed. Unfortunately, we will not allow family members outside of the immediate household to attend,” LCISD said.

The new limits on attendance take effect on November 29. The following is the full announcement from LCISD.

Updated Requirements for Secondary Extracurricular Activities

COVID-19 numbers in Lubbock and the surrounding area are increasing. In response to this uptick of cases, and with the desire to do our part to keep our students and families as safe as possible, we are implementing new safety requirements for indoor extracurricular activities.

Please know that our district strives to provide the very best environment in which students can learn, grow, and perform. That being said, we are working closely with local city and health authorities to institute these guidelines to prevent any further public health safety measures which could include closing off extracurricular events to all spectators or cancellation of events.

While none of this is ideal, we do believe that by following these guidelines, we can continue to offer students a chance to participate in extracurricular activities which are so very important to the development of the whole child.

These new safety regulations will go into effect midnight of November 29, 2020 following the Thanksgiving break, and will remain in effect until further notice.

1. Attendees at all basketball games, concerts, plays, recitals, etc. will be limited to immediate family members only. Coaches and sponsors will work with students to ensure all immediate family members are listed. Unfortunately, we will not allow family members outside of the immediate household to attend. For large events, such as band and choir concerts, tickets will be limited to a certain number per student based on the building capacity.

2. Face coverings will be required to be worn at all times while attending the event for anyone ages 10 and up as per Governor Abbott’s GA-29 order.

We realize these limitations are not popular decisions, but we do ask for patience and understanding during this time in order to lessen the impact of COVID on our population. Thank you for partnering with us as we strive to provide the safest and best possible experiences for our students.