Pirate Parents,

Attached to this email, you will find Lubbock-Cooper ISD’s Reopening Guidelines for the 2020-21 school year. These guidelines have been developed to prioritize the health and safety of our students, staff, and their families while best serving the children of our community. 

Please know that these guidelines are subject to change as we receive updated information and/or orders from local and state experts and authorities. You will be notified when and if any significant adjustments are made to the guidelines.

On Monday, July 27, you will receive a second electronic form asking you to commit to traditional or virtual instruction for your child. Please review the attached guidelines and spend the next few days deciding which learning plan works best for your family. Please be looking for this survey on Monday, and complete one form per enrolled student in your household by Friday, July 31.

I speak for the district when I thank you for your patience, understanding, and support during the unprecedented and ever-changing COVID-19 health crisis. We are so excited to welcome our Pirates back, in-person or virtually!

Kind regards,

Keith Bryant
Superintendent of Schools
Lubbock-Cooper ISD