By: Michael Cantu

The Institution for Productivity in Education and Educational Results Partnerships have released a list of 855 schools that have made the Texas Honor Roll list. Included in the more than 800 schools are some from the South Plains.

The list has Frenship’s Legacy and Oak Ridge elementary schools; Lubbock ISD’s Honey, Smith, elementary schools; Lubbock ISD’s Hutchinson Middle School; Rise Academy, Talkington School for Young Women; Lubbock-Cooper Middle School; Nazareth Schools; Sudan Elementary School; and Sundown Junior High School.

The honor roll list was put together as a way to show some of the elementary and middle schools in Texas that have shown higher levels of academic achievement, general improvements and achievement gap reductions, according to the IPE.

Nazareth’s designation on the list was because it was high-performing without a significant level of low-income students. That school was given a “scholar” status, while the rest of the South Plains schools were categorized as “stars.”

Sudan, Sundown, Lubbock-Cooper middle, all Lubbock schools and Lubbock-Cooper schools were listed as schools that had a high poverty level but also maintained high performances while closing its own achievement gaps.

A full list of schools and categorization descriptions can be found here.