From by Chelsea Collinsworth

During a special called meeting on Monday, the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved a $420 million bond proposal and called for an election in May. Keith Bryant, The Superintendent for Lubbock-Cooper ISD said the district is increasing drastically.

“We are up almost 40%, from five years ago,” said Bryant, “our board has spent about two years studying this election and trying to figure exactly the path to follow, and really feel like it’s the best path forward to make sure that we stay ahead of the growth and that we have quality facilities for our students as we continue to grow.”

Monday, the LCISD board voted and called for a vote on a $420 million bond that would expand the school district.

“The biggest projects included in the bond are a second comprehensive high school complex, a third middle school, and a sixth elementary among various other projects that will help us meet the needs of our growing community,” said Bryant.

Bryant emphasizes the approval would not raise the property tax rate.

“We’re going to fund it through the growth in our community,” said Bryant. “Our board the last two years has lowered the tax rate by a total of 13 cents, and anticipate being able to do that going forward. And so this bond will not require a tax rate increase. And that’s the beauty of it. Because we’re growing so fast. We feel like the programs can be funded the building projects can be funded through that growth without a tax increase.”

Bryant said the projects would be prioritized over the next 8 to 10 years beginning with the second high school. Also included in the package are HVAC and roofing improvements and athletic additions to existing campuses. Bryant added LCISD has land for all of the additional schools.

“The second High School will be located at Woodrow Road and Quaker. The third Middle School will be located at 1595 and IOLA and the sixth elementary will be located at university and about 152nd Street,” said Bryant.

Lubbock-Cooper ISD is a 5A school district with an enrollment of 7,130 students. The district is currently home to nine campuses.

Residents living within the district will be able to vote on the bond. Early voting runs April 19th through the 27th and election day is May 1st.