By Katie Gray from

Despite the confusion on the Cooper Bond Bill broken into three propositions, as required by the Texas legislation, voters were in favor of the district’s additional funding proposal.

The Lubbock Cooper ISD’s Superintendent, Keith Bryant, explained what the district’s next steps are.

“Which is the construction of the second high school. That work will begin in the next month,” said Bryant.

The LCISD’s second high school will be located between Quaker Avenue and woodruff road. According to officials, the property for the institution has already been inquired about. The school is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2023.

The district did receive popular support from the community, but LCISD did acknowledge the line on the ballot that warned voters about property taxes increasing if the bond was passed.

“The ballot says one thing, and the district is saying another,” said Bryant.

The LCISD stands behind its original statement that the money will not come out of property taxes.

“I would encourage voters to go back and look at their property tax rate the last two years and see what’s happened… and see if you’re true to our word,” said Bryant. “They’ll [Taxpayers] see that the bond did pass, and yet we were able to lower the tax rate.”

According to officials, the bond is dependent on the projected growth of the district, and they will have access to funds gradually as more businesses move into the area.